Recharge the Battery is a community driven initiative advocating for vital improvements along the Battery Street Corridor (BSC) which have been overlooked in the plan to fill the Battery Street Tunnel. Through various public engagement programs, community outreach efforts, and design collaborations we are working to elevate general interest in the Corridor as a critical link Connecting Denny Park to the Central Waterfront -- along Battery Street.
Recharge the Battery is working to demonstrate persuasive environmental rationale and community support to continue ongoing exploration of alternative solutions for improving the urban experience around the Battery Street Tunnel. We are currently urging City officials to prioritize recommendations for a designed portal park, green stormwater infrastructure, bicycle and pedestrian priority treatments, water reclamation gardens, surface street trees, and other features along the Corridor that offer environmental benefits and quality of life improvements for the residents of Seattle.
1 - "Better the Battery" (2018-2019)
Advocate for new Battery Street Corridor priorities through public engagement events
Represent community priorities through public input to inform the overall vision
Support the vision to focus on sustainability, historic character, neighborhood connectivity
Incorporate a community vision into current plans, without delay to existing timelines
2 - Reimagine the Battery (2019-2020)
Prioritize benefits focused on public space, pedestrian mobility, historical character
Emphasize environmental benefits focused on water conservation, retention, treatment
Coordinate with appropriate governmental agencies to adopt revised vision for the BSC
Secure funding to integrate BSC into Central Waterfront and Vine Street Basin plans
3 - Recharge the Battery (2020-2024)
Develop a public selection process for a new public vision for the Battery Street Corridor
Collaborate to translate preferred public visions into an implementable solution
Implement the process to procure permits, secure funds, and finalize plans for the BSC
Finalize the collective community vision to Recharge the Battery Street Corridor!
Recharge the Battery was founded in 2017 to advocate for the conservation of the Battery Street Tunnel as an opportunity to explore alternative uses and more responsible decommissioning solutions for the tunnel to serve the Belltown neighborhood and the City of Seattle.
As a structure, the Battery Street Tunnel was completed in 1952 and has serviced the City of Seattle for over 65 years as the primary connector between the iconic Alaskan Way Viaduct and Aurora Avenue North. But, after years of debate (following the Nisqually quake), regarding the replacement of the Viaduct and the future fate of the Battery Street Tunnel the current decommissioning plans are calling for the tunnel filled and sealed with material from the demolished Alaskan Way Viaduct, beginning in 2019.
The fact remains that future of the Battery Street Corridor (Surface Street) must be improved and with the support of local Seattle residents, Recharge the Battery will continue to demonstrate persuasive public interest and unified community support to explore alternative design solutions for the neighborhood -- which better reflect our sustainable values and community values.
See the Battery Street Corridor Recommendations document, here
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